So I've recently gotten back into crocheting. I learned 3 years ago at a ladies retreat, made one scarf and was done. At Christmas, my cousin Tiffany was finishing a scarf that she knitted, and it reminded me of how much I loved crocheting. So I went out the next day to buy some yarn and hooks, got on You Tube and retaught myself how to do it. My first project that I did was a scarf for myself, since they are so fashionable right now. I'm pretty happy with it. :-)

But I didn't want to be selfish with my talent. So I made my mom a scarf. It was during this project that a new ministry was started at my church. It's a knitting/crocheting group, called Stitches of Love. They've helped me a lot during my projects.

My next projects were baby blankets for my friends. My friends Natalie and Jonathon are foster parents and have been waiting since September to get a placement. I made this blanket for her, it matches her awesome baby room. She asked me to make some blankets for her to give to the children to take home with them. A little memory of their time at their house. My current project is a blanket just for that purpose.

This blanket is for my friends Scott and Emily who are expecting a baby boy, ANY DAY NOW! Scott is a bee keeper, so I made them a bee blanket. I love this blanket! I worked overtime on this one, since I needed to get it done before the baby comes. I was done on time, he was not.

These bees were easy to make, but gave me hand cramps. But they are so cute and were worth it.

My next few projects are going to be Christmas presents, so I'm going to be hush hush on those. Another cool idea I had was to make a blanket for myself, using my left over yarn. It will be a remembrance blanket of all the projects I've done. So I gotta get these projects done, so I can work on my blanket. :-)
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