
Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Welcome Home Charlie Company!

Charlie Company consists of troops from our area that are in the National Guard. They have just returned from fighting in Afghanistan. So of course, we HAD to be there for the Welcome Home parade. Our church had a section of the route assigned for those of us who wanted to be there. Ryan and I got there early and made a quick stop for Wendy's hamburgers and Frosties. Mom and Dad came with TiBi. At one point Ryan asked if I was going to cry, I retorted "What do you think?" He said that he thought I would... and I did as soon as I spotted the uniforms in the bus. I couldn't even get out a "woo-hoo", much less a "Thank You". Anyway, here are a few pictures from the parade. Click here for more pictures.

Ryan and I being "Patriotical".

Like Mother, like Daughter. We both cried.

The men kept our spots, while Mom and I retreated to the shade.

Welcome home, Thank You!



Anonymous said...

Great pictures...I wish I could have been there. I can imagine it was an emotional time, and I can't even imagine how appreciated it must have made them feel.