
Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Our God is so good!

This past week, our friends, the Mantors, had quite a scare. They are fellow FaceBook-ers and Twitters, so I was able to keep up with them. That's how I found out that their youngest son, Ryan, was admitted into the hospital with Kawasaki disease. I know what your thinking, "What in the world is Kawasaki disease?" You are welcome to look it up, but I must warn you: it's a pretty scary thing. Abbie, the mom, has a blog that I read as often as she will update it. There she described the whole experience.

Tuesday night, Ryan and I went to see him. Little Ryan is my buddy, and I was really worried about the little guy. I wanted to see for myself what this thing is that had taken over my friend's body. When we walked into the room, he was lying so still in the bed. Normally he's a VERY active 2 year old. But when we gave him some fruit snacks, he perked up. He was talking to us and being his cute little self. It was hard seeing him hooked up to heart monitors and IVs. The nurse came in twice while we were there to check vitals. His temperature was still over 100. He kept asking Abbie, "My ickys go bye-bye?" No, not yet.

But we serve a God who loves and heals! Ryan got to go home today! They still have to watch over him, and keep an eye out for rashes or fevers. But he's home and feeling much better. I truly believe that God has healed him and will continue a complete healing! Praise the Lord!
