
Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Monday, March 23, 2009

Not Me! Monday

  1. I was not upset that Kentucky didn't make it into the "Big Dance" this year. And I did not fill out a vindictive bracket, in which all the teams I hate loose.
  2. I did not fill out several brackets. One of which was not for a class at school. I'm not excited to prove to the kids how well I can pick them.
  3. I did not wish that they would have closed school last Friday due to the smell from the sewer back up. And I did not consider leaving school "sick", because I had a stain on my pants.
  4. I did not go to Youth Group last Wednesday, expecting the same old stuff. I was not pleasantly surprised to be at a Julian Drive/Article One concert. Ryan and I did not buy CDs from both bands because we really liked them. I am not to old to be "moshing" with the young people.
  5. I did not get up late everyday last week and therefore I was not late to work on most days.
  6. I was not excited that a college student came back and took over my job in the toddler room. I was not bummed to find out that she was only on Spring Break.
  7. After a crazy week last week, I was not looking forward to sleeping in on Saturday. I did not stay in my PJs until noon. And I was not excited to get back in the pool after a two week absence due to illness.
  8. Ryan did not finally break down and alphabetize our DVDs. He did not complain about having "Legally Blonde" next to "The Last Samurai". We do not have 180 DVDs.
  9. Daisy did not jump from our balcony to the roof over our front door. Ryan and I did not freak out until she jumped back over. We did not ground her from the outdoors, unless she has Parental Supervision.
  10. I am not counting down the days until our 5th Wedding Anniversary. It is not in 4 days!
Nope, not me!
