I can't believe that Ryan and I have been married for 5 years. Sometimes it feels like yesterday that we were at Kelly Prayer Chapel, saying "I do". And then sometimes it feels like we've been married FOREVER!
Due to the momentous occasion, we decided to "do it up right". But we had to work around Ryan's work schedule. So when I was researching ideas, whatever we did would have to be on Saturday afternoon. I went to EnjoyIllinois.com to find some ideas. I know it has tourist-y ideas, but with such a big city just an hour north, I had no clue where to start.
I found this awesome idea of a paddlewheel boat that takes you on a tour on the Fox River. But they don't open until May! So I went for some ideas in Chicago. I found the Spirit of Chicago. It's a boat cruise on Lake Michigan. They have lunch cruise and a dinner cruise. We chose the lunch buffet, due to time and money.
We went to Navy Pier to board the Spirit of Chicago. When the host was seating us, he wished us a Happy Anniversary. (When Ryan ordered our tickets, they asked him about any special celebrations.) When our server came by for our drink order, she asked which one of us had the MSG allergy. Neither of us do, she had us confused with the table next to us. But it made us feel special that they were looking out for us.
The buffet was amazing. Citrus chicken, Caesar salad, steamed veggies, and FABULOUS Macaroni and Cheese. The dessert bar was mostly chocolate items, and fresh fruit. Guess what I ate? The fruit.
Ryan and I finally ventured to the top deck, to see the famous Chicago skyline. But we couldn't see it due to the low clouds. You couldn't see the top of the Hancock, much less the Sears Tower. We didn't stay out for long, it was really cold. (They are predicting snow for tomorrow! I thought it was Spring!) Our cruise was cut short due to high winds. But that was fine with us. Ryan was tired and ready to get home, he worked the night before.
We had a great time and highly recommend it.
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