
Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Aargh! I hate computer problems.

I have been having a rough time these past few days. The power cord to our laptop has been slowly dying and finally went kaput. We went to Best Buy to get a new one. To buy a "universal" cord would cost $100-$150! So Ryan went online at work and ordered one from Gateway, total $46. At least he's able to get on Facebook and such at work. I can only get on work email and Blogger. No personal email for me for a while. So sorry in advance if you don't hear back from me for a while.

So much has happened lately. First and foremost... Friday the 13th, followed by VALENTINE'S DAY!!

Our Sunday School class held a private viewing of the movie "Fireproof", on Friday (which also happened to the be the 5th anniversary of my wedding dress being destroyed by a fire, it was not fireproof!). We had a catered diner and then watched the movie. Afterwards, we played games, which included Hide-n-seek in the church. And we have a HUGE church!

Saturday was a quiz meet at our church. I had to coach since Sara just had a baby. Our team placed third, all on their own doing. After spending all day at the church, coupled with a late night playing games the night before, I was quite tired. But Ryan insisted that we get to the restaurant as early as possible, because it was going to be crazy. We got to Olive Garden at 4:30 and the wait was already 1:15! Needless to say we thoroughly enjoyed our meal, once we sat down.

That's it for now. I hope to have my computer up and running soon. I probably have a TON of emails in my inbox.



Rachel C said...

Sounds like we missed out on a fun night Friday! I wish Nick didn't have to work! I'm glad everyone had a great time.