They call it the terrible twos for a reason! Don't get me wrong, I love my job at the daycare and I love the kids there. ...Except for one. That one child spoils my whole day. I dread going to that room, because of her. In fact, I was really upset when I found out I would be in that room on my birthday. God must have heard my prayers, because she didn't come that day. I get so frustrated with her. Yet I need to remember, I'm 28 years old, she's only two! I'm bigger and smarter than she is. Plus I'm Irish and very stubborn. I can win all battles. Plus...

Ya know what--I love two year olds!! I'm not sure if I can explain it, but it is absolutely one of my favorite stages. I just love the striving for independence combined with the fact that they haven't really developed a sense of embarrassment yet. And I love how they seem to mimic the best and worst traits of their parents. I feel like I've really learned a lot about myself from my girls at age two.
Just remember that they are still babies who are trying to grow up too fast, and who need lots and lots of loving, and especially smiling faces from those who care for them--even if it's really really hard.
love, val
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