Last night and this morning Ryan and I were at the church campgrounds for Quizmania. It's the kickoff for the new quiz year. I have truly missed quizzing, and I wasn't able to go to all the quiz meets. This year will be different. I no longer have a job that requires me to work on Saturdays. Hooray!!
So this weekend was so much fun. I have basically designated myself to be the official district photographer. Sara and Jeremy have done that in the past. But both of them have many other hats that they wear at all the meets, so this is one way I can lighten the load for them. Plus, this is way that I can get to know all the other kids.
Quizmania is also a way for the new quizzers to get used to quizzing, without the pressure of a meet. The experienced quizzers were given the opportunity to coach the newbies, and learn the proper techniques of challenging and appealing questions. All in all, I had a great time. Looking forward to a great year.
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