Soooooo... Next Monday I head back to BBCHS to begin my second year as a "Paraprofessional" (just a fancy term for teacher's aid). Last year I was an individual aid, to a student with cerbral palsey. This year I will be working in an English class (ENGLISH, ME!!) and in the Resource room. I am really looking forward to it. Especially after a summer of working with two year olds. I'm ready to be back with students who can think logically, for the most part. The sad thing about this year is that I won't be able to work with my special needs kids. I will be on the comlete other side of the building. Plus.. I will be working at the daycare in the afternoons, with those two year olds, that don't see reason.
Also in two weeks I will begin another class. My end goal is to get my teaching certificate, which I should have gotten 6 years ago, when I graduated from ONU. But I have 2 classes down, 2 to go. This summer I took Intro to Sociology at KCC. My professor was unlike anything I experienced at Olivet. Cussing in class, racial comments, yeah, I was shocked my first two weeks in class. School is different this time around. My family's future depends on this.

Remember me in your prayers this school year. Especially Ryan. He has to deal with my stressed out emotions. Working two part time jobs and taking class wears on a person after awhile.
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