
Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Monday, November 9, 2009

All that purple!

I tell you what...I get so frustrated with the ideal fashions shown at ONU Homecoming. At first I tried to fit in, but not any more. Not after last year's incident. It didn't even happen to me, just something I witnessed and vowed I would never become like that.

At the basketball game, level that some women go to is insane. And I mean levels (i.e. High heels). AT A BASKETBALL GAME!!! Last year I witnessed a woman, who graduated a year behind me walking from one side of the gym to the other, somewhat painfully too, with her child in her arms. Just watching her walk made my feet hurt. Not only were her shoes high heeled, they were platforms. And to top it off, she had a baby that was not happy (and what do you usually do when you have an upset walk!). And her husband did nothing to help her.

Then this year I witnessed another obnoxious display from a woman that goes to my church. She too decided to get all decked out for the game and included high heeled boots to her ensemble. Meanwhile she was walking her one-year old son into the arena. Needless to say she had to walk tilted so she could reach down to hold his hand. If she had been wearing flats, she could have walked normally...Just saying.

Meanwhile I was quite comfortable in my loafers with the fleece lining. Sorry to rant and rave, but sheesh....

Anyhoo!!! It was a great time again this year. I happened to have all of Friday off, due to Parent/Teacher Conferences, so I was relaxed for the games on Friday night. The girls basketball game was a disappointment, and I felt bad for the other team that played the men's team. And what a gorgeous day for a football game. I say it was well worth those cold days in October, IF it means that I have the privilege of sitting out at a football game in 70 degree weather! Now, if we could just get some defense on the team, and some offense. :-)

For a few of my pictures from the weekend, click here.
