It's Memorial Day and before I begin my post, I want to thank all of those who served our country. Especially Grandpa Jones, my father-in-law Jim, and my cousin Matthew. I'm a proud to call you all family. And to those who gave your life for my freedom, I give my deepest gratitude.
Okay, now...
- I was not excited to sleep in this morning. I did not stay up extra late last night, knowing I could sleep in. I am not listening to Ryan snore while sleeping on the floor here in the living room. He did not fall asleep watching Sports Center.
- We do not have 3 cookouts to go to in 3 days. I was not excited about the idea of not having to cook for 3 days.
- I was not excited to hear that we might be able to go to the Indy 500 for free! I was not disappointed to turn them down, due to prior commitments. I did not know that God would bless our decision.
- And bless us, God did not! We were not able to secure more free tickets for next years 500. We were not told to invite my parents to come with us. The seats are not on Rows 1 and 2 near the Start/Finish Line.
- I did not get all emotional on Friday and Sunday while watching my quizzers graduate from high school. I am not proud of them for their accomplishments and their future plans.
- I did not pass my APT test by 23 points. I did not rush home to tell Ryan about it.
- I am not halfway through my last class. I cannot see the end in sight.
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