
Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Randomness... (is that even a word?)

Here are some random thoughts and goings on.

  • Squirrely Shirley is here in the library, on the computer, with a newspaper over her head. Maybe she's trying to reduce glare?
  • Last Saturday after Ryan had been gaming with the guys for 24 hours straight, he was trying not to fall asleep, while I rubbed his knees and hamstrings (thanks to Chet's workout, a lot more than his knees hurt). When I started on his hamstrings, he said that he didn't want too much pressure, so when I asked him if the way I was doing it was okay, he responded... "Yeah, we need to put the mailing address on it and get the bill sent out." My response was to laugh histerically.
  • This past Sunday we had two baby dedications at our church. This was after Annika's funeral on Thursday. Life does go on.
  • Also on Sunday, we had communion for the second time in two weeks. When I took the "bread" and the "wine", it just wasn't the same for me. When I was in junior high, my dad was a layman at our church. There's something special about taking a symbol of my Heavely Father's love for me from my Earthly Father. Thanks Daddy!
  • Today was the beginning of our testing season at school. The kids all have to take different State required tests, or the ACT. Then this Saturday I have to take my first of two tests for my certificate. I'm really nervous about it. Both taking it and getting there. Please pray for me.

I think that's about it...
