My friend Christine, whose blog I read religiously, posts a blog every other week, that's an unusual way to let her readers know what's going on with her family. It's called Not Me Monday. She uses reverse psychology of sorts. Example: She did not leave a carton of half & half out on the counter all night, when in actuality she did.
I'm not sure if I will be able to do this everyweek or even every other week. And I'm not even doing me first post on Monday! Oh well, here it goes:

- When I first thought about blogging this, I did not email Christine right away to see if it was okay. I did not sit down right after to write this post after getting the okay.
- Ryan and I have not started a habit of taking naps before he goes to work and I go to bed. I did not lie awake during said nap last night thinking of what I would write here.
- I did not put Daisy in "time out" last night for tormenting Dixie. I did not consider putting her back in "time out" when she jumped on the kitchen counter and hid behind the microwave.
- I did not do a mini dance of joy when I found out that I would only have to take 2 tests instead of 3 for my Teacher's Certificate.
- I did not say I would abstain from rolling my eyes, as a sign of respect to my husband. I do not roll my eyes every time he talks about going on Survivor.
- I did not memorize how to spell the Duke Bluedevil's coach's last name to show off to my husband. I did not gloat when he couldn't spell it, and he's the one that's the fan. K-R-Z-Y-Z-E-W-S-K-I.
- I did not run down the front steps to check if the power cord came. I did not run back up the stairs with the package held aloft, a la Olympic Torch. And I most certainly did not do my best Rocky impersonation at the top of the stairs. Ryan did not roll his eyes at my antics.
- I have not resorted to taking sleeping aids so I have a good night's sleep. I do not have CRAZY dreams about my friends' babies named Garretty Hope.
- I do not lock the cats out of the bedroom so I can get an even better night's sleep.
- I did not buy all caffeine-free drinks and thereby I am not forcing Ryan to be caffeine-free as well.
I just clicked on your blog because I see you were the last one to do "not me monday"...I was #426. I am new her blog. She's really a good writer...I enjoy reading her take on life. I also did mine this week on Tuesday. I am more like your friend (every other week...but not consistently).
I just wanted to comment and say that you did a good job...
And I must admit, that I have never known any one to put their cats in time out...I think it was the cats. LOL What I do I know, I just thought I would check it out.
I started off reading your 25 Random things...and I thought..this is just crazy...I dont' even know this person...I went "here" to read NO ME's. And even more crazy is leaving a long comment to someone you don't know!
There must be a blogging virus that make people a little crazy...that's my excuse!
Welcome to Not Me Monday! You did a great job!
Good luck on your teaching certification. I taught first grade for six years before having my daughters. I do not even want to think of the hoops they will make me jump through when I decide to go back. :O
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