
Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Saturday, December 27, 2008


As you can see I've made a lot of changes to my blog. Hey, when you are stuck at home, with nothing else to do... Anyway, I hope you enjoy my attempt to bring you closer to me and let you in on who I am.

There are going to be some big changes in Chez Kuehl within the next couple of days. No, no babies. We are going to get another cat, as mentioned earlier. We've hit so many road blocks, I'm beginning to wonder if this is something we shouldn't do. We had an appointment with New Beginnings (a shelter for rescued cats) last week to pick out a cat. I had talked with them several times through out a two week period. It wasn't until the day before our appointment that they mentioned that they would need proof that Dixie had been tested for feline leukemia and aids. They wouldn't accept the fact that we've had her since she was 6 weeks old, she's always been an indoor kitty, no contact with other cats, and she's never been to Africa. So we cancelled our appointment.

We've been looking in the paper for free kittens. Hmmm... spend $75 on a new cat, plus the money for the tests on Dixie... or a FREE kitten. Hmm... no brainer! Ryan's brother, Jee, gave us the number of a lady who is giving away kittens. They are about three or four months old. When I called last week, she said that the kittens had worms and wouldn't let us take them until the worms were gone. That was awfully nice of her. Which led us to some questions. How did they get the worms? Are they outdoor cats? It makes me wonder if this is just another door that God is closing.

Some of you may think that God could care less about if we got a second cat or not. But if He watches out over the sparrows and the lillies of the field, He would certainly care about the Kuehls getting another addition to their family.



Unknown said...

Lori: I love the new look! You are so creative! I am praying for my new gran-kitty.

Love ya,