
Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

5 People I'm Thankful For

In the English class that I work with, sometimes I do the assignment along with them. Like the time they had to pretend they were stranded on an island with only 5 items. What would those five items be? High schoolers come up some interesting items (a penguin? Seriously?). They recently had to come up with five people who taught them something and write "Thank you" notes. So I came up with my own list. And in keeping with the recent holiday, I thought I would share my list with you. Now keep in mind, I can thank a whole lot of people, but these are the five that I chose:

*I'd like to thank the Academy ;-)

No seriously:

1) My mom - for teaching me that no matter how old you are, God will always teach you something new.

2) My dad - for teaching me how to have a sense of humor. We Joneses sure know how to make things interesting.

3) My brother - for teaching me the love of the obvious. You have to be quick.

4) My Grandma and Grandpa Jones - for teaching me the love of reading. Ramona Quimby, Age 8, got me started and I haven't looked back.

5) My husband (I've listed my favorite person last) - for teaching me about sports. Thanks for being patient with me when I don't quite understand why the coach would call that play.
