
Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Day by day by day by day...

Honestly, this is not a tribute to Meet the Parents (or DC Talk)...but how I'm living. I haven't blogged in quite a while. Just barely getting by, day by day. Here are some highlights of what has been going on:

  • I've started swimming again, well attempting to get there when the pool is open.
  • I coached a quiz team to THIRD PLACE! Well, they did most the work, as in any coaching/team situation. I am growing more confident in my coaching skills.
  • I got to see my nephew this weekend. We celebrated his 4th birthday! He's a hoot, let me tell you.
  • This weekend is Quizfest, the tournament that Ryan directs. So there has been a little add stress to our lives. But this year looks to be going a lot smoother that last year.
So, yeah...that's about it.
My life has boiled down to: What day is it? Which job do I go to now? What's going on this weekend? Can I go to sleep now?

Good news: I am thismuchcloser to getting my teaching certificate. And then one more chapter of my life will be closed. YAY!!!
