
Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Wednesday, September 16, 2009


So I realized that I never blogged about our quiz last Saturday. So...

  • We had three teams of four. That means 12 teenagers went with us. Our team names were based off of Dr. Seus. Thus we had the Sneetches, the Truffula Trees, and the Green Eggs and Sam (guess the name of one of our quizzers ;-).
  • There were 13 teams, the team I coaches (Truffula Trees) placed sixth, Green Eggs and Sam placed fifth, and the Sneetches placed second.
  • A rookie placed second over all individually. She is also memorizing the whole thing.
  • These kids amaze me. If a question is missed, the other teams get a chance at half point bonus. At the halfway point of our last round our only points were from bonuses. And at the end, they accounted for half of our points. While my kids had a hard time getting the jumps, they still knew the material to still get points.
All in all, it was a great day.
