
Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Saturday, August 15, 2009

It's been a crazy week

Ryan and I had something every night this week. While I like doing stuff and hanging out with friends and family, sometimes you just need some down time. Here is what we've been doing...

Saturday - Family celebration (Birthdays, moving, starting school, etc...). Good food, good times.
Sunday - Quizzing kickoff and then small group for the evening.
Monday - A friend from college, who has moved to Maryland, was home for the week. So we attended a cookout to celebrate her homecoming.
Tuesday - Small group dinner.
Wednesday - Ian and Trevor moved some of Ian's furniture into our garage and we then hung out eating pizza and pie.
Thursday - I went to PWA bible study and Ryan went to game night.
Friday - NOTHING!!!! Stayed at home to veg and eat spaghetti.

Tonight we start it all over again. We are going to a birthday party for Eve (who is in our small group). She and I have the same birthday, but she turned the big 3-0.
Tomorrow we are attending the Jr. High cookout at church, then quiz practice and then small group.




James and Melanie said...

Hello! I love your blog! Did you design it yourself! It looks like a giant scrapbook! The goal you were going for I'm sure! Love IT!

Lori Kuehl said...

Thanks, I've been retooling it. I may go for a rotation. Keeping it fresh. :)