
Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Friday, June 26, 2009


This week I've been watching sermons online about the Seven Deadly Sins. (Click here to view them yourself.) The sermon on Gluttony really hit home for me. Rev. Hamilton said that it not only applied to eating, but to spending habits, etc. Anything where you goal in life is "more". Now I won't list all my notes from this sermon, but just somethings I would like to share. Here are some tips to breaking free from his book "Enough".
  1. Split the meal
  2. Never but/eat on impulse. Wait. When it come to food wait 15 minutes. When it comes to shopping, wait an hour. If it costs more than $200, wait 2 day, more than $1000, wait 2 weeks.
  3. Ask the right questions. Do I really need this? Will I feel better after consuming it? What are the consequences of consuming it?
  4. Recognize what you are really hungry for and consume what really satisfies.
Must importantly, I need to trust that God will provide for today. That's why Jesus taught us to pray, "Give us our daily bread".
