
Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Not Me! Monday

It's time for another installment of Not Me! Monday.

  1. I am NOT writing this on Sunday, so I do NOT feel the pressure to get this done.
  2. Speaking of pressure... I have NOT been sick all weekend. I have NOT felt like "hocking a a loogie" to make the pressure go away. I am NOT considering calling off again tomorrow, so I can NOT rest one more day.
  3. I have NOT been referring to myself in the thrid person as "Momma" to the cats. Examples of some statements that I have NOT been using are: "Please don't step on Momma's stomach." "Momma doesn't feel very well." "Daisy, get away from the toliet, Momma is throwing up!".
  4. Speaking of Daisy, we do NOT think she's on the brink of going through heat, yet again.
  5. I am NOT taking Nyquil, and therefore I am NOT getting too sleepy to think of more to write.

Nope, not me!
