
Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Can you name all 44 Presidents?

Earlier this week some friends of ours, the Petits, had a baby girl. they named her Madison Taylor. Ryan asked me if she was named after a President. I said she was named after TWO. So this morning when I woke up and didn't want to get up, I got to thinking about that. Maybe we should name our kids after Presidents (I do my best thinking while trying to sleep in! ;o).

Here are some names we came up with (Note: we eventually veered over to Civil War Generals):
  • Arthur Fillmore
  • Lincoln Davis
  • Grant Lee
  • Robert Ulyses
This eventually led Ryan to see if he could name all the Presidents, not in order. He got stuck at 26. So I filled in the rest for him. I pulled out a poster that has the Presidents up to Bush Jr, just to make sure we got them all. We did.

Ryan then decided he wanted a challenge. So I told him to memorize them, IN ORDER, in TWO MINUTES! He agreed. But when I told him he had a minute left, he asked for three minutes. When I told him he had a minute left again, he asked for four. Finally he said he was ready. He did pretty good. At first he kept getting Tyler and Taylor mixed up, which is understandable. Yet everytime we went throught the list (which was about 4 times), he kept getting stuck on Grant, Arthur, Harding, and Hoover. But after one hint, he would get it.

For me it's easier to remember what era they presided over. And of course, if a President died, I can usually get his Vice President right away. I just remember that Lincoln was 16th, Cleveland was 22nd and 24th, and Roosevelt was 32nd. If I can just get through them, I'm good to go.


P.S. A+ to those who gave give me the first name of all the Presidents I mentioned!