
Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Praying for Missionaries

So it's a tradition in my family for Grandpa Jones to have M&Ms. He's had a tin of them in his room for as long as I can remember. It's his thing. My aunt Paula says that M&Ms are good for your blood pressure. So she grabs a handful every time she passes by is his room (actually it a den now). And of course, me being the chocolate lover that I am, I grab a handful (or two) every time I pass the door.

About a year ago I found a new reason to eat M&Ms. I pray for missionaries as I'm eating them. Each color represents a region of the world, and you pray for the missionaries in that region as you eat them. At least that's the goal.

Brown - South America
Yellow - Eurasia
Orange - Mexico/Central America
Blue - Pacific
Green - Caribbean
Red - Africa

So the next time you open a bag of M&Ms, please remember the missionaries.
