
Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Monday, December 8, 2008

10 Lbs. of Wings!!!!

Yesterday was a momentous day in Chez Kuehl. Not only is December 7th a date which will live in infamy, it is Ryan's birthday. And it was a BIG one. The Big 3-0. He's an old man now.

We had a party here at our house. Since Sunday nights are game nights, we just transferred it to our house. And added a few gifts to the measure. Ryan didn't want a cake, just BB-Q Wings. I ended up making 10 pounds!!! I made the BB-Q (like he requested) and buffalo style. There was pizza and other munchies to go around.

As for his gift, he took care of that. He wanted a new board game to add to the list of games the boys play. It's called Power Grid. It was delivered Friday night and Saturday I went out and bought a different game (Sequence - States and Capitals). I wrapped the other one to give to him at the party. He of course thought he was opening Power Grid. Hahahahaha! I showed him.

Happy Birthday Hunny Bunny! I hope year 30 is a great one and I pray God's blessings on you. You deserve them, especially after all the ribbing you got last night.


PS. Here's a slideshow of the night.