
Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Sunday, November 16, 2008


Okay, so I really should be doing homework...but Facebook and Blogger are helping me procrastinate. :-)

It's been a cold week here in Illinois. It's snowed a couple times already, but nothing significant. Today it was the kind I like, big and fluffy in the air, but not sticking to the ground. It's temperatures like these that make me miss our old apartment. We were not able to really adjust the heat, hence our apartment was nice and toasty warm. Quite unlike our current apartment. Right now I am covered up by a White Sox fleece blanket (thanks Katie, it's been a life saver) and I have a hoodie on (with the hood up). We just need to winterize this place.

Things at the high school are going well. I am going to take some of my African pictures to share with my students. They need to realize that it's a big world out there. It does not revolve around them and their issues. The daycare kids are driving me crazy, but I think that's because I've been sucked into the black hole that is the Toddler Room. And the whining (they are unable to use words) and biting, grrr! Add on top of that the special needs boy, who likes to escape. My class is stressful. I've never had a subject where I can't wrap my head around. School was always so easy for me, this is a whole other realm. We have a huge group paper due this week. It's on how we should reform Social Security.

Well, I want to conclude this blog entry with a picture of Ryan and I. This was us in our costumes for Treat and Trunk. Yet, it's who we really are.
